I have always hated RPG but this game is one of the best out there. It all started when I stepped into EB Games and planned to buy Fight Night Round 3 to 360. The store were out of that game. I had already beaten all of my other 360 games and was desperate to buy a new one. It was either NHL 2k6 (thank god I didn't buy that) or Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I finally chose Oblivion and haven't stopped playing since.
By the way, how do you get into the theives guild? I tried steeling something and going to jail but after that nothing happened. A stranger came up to me and wanted me to meet with the Grey Fox. The night I was supposed to meet with him I ended up spending in jail after steeling a horse to be able to go to him. I can't find him. PLEASE HELP ME?????!!!!!!!!
Other Helpful Reviews for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The “24-hours in” Oblivion Review The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion needs no introduction, but I am sure there are a few readers who would want to know the background story before I continue. Oblivion is the fourth game ... Read Full Review
This game is awesome! Not quite perfection, but pretty damn close. I picked this game up last night and would still be playing it right now if it weren't for the need to sleep and go to work. I've been impatiently wai... Read Full Review