This game rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.3 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
I have always hated RPG but this game is one of the best out there. It all started when I stepped into EB Games and planned to buy Fight Night Round 3 to 360. The store were out of that game. I had already beaten all of my other 360 games and was desperate to buy a new one. It was either NHL 2k6 (thank god I didn't buy that) or Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I finally chose Oblivion and haven't stopped playing since.

By the way, how do you get into the theives guild? I tried steeling something and going to jail but after that nothing happened. A stranger came up to me and wanted me to meet with the Grey Fox. The night I was supposed to meet with him I ended up spending in jail after steeling a horse to be able to go to him. I can't find him.
PLEASE HELP ME?????!!!!!!!!