Best RPG Ever!!

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC
What can i say about oblivion??It's perfect from the beginning to the end!One of the best rpg's ever!

To begin with,i will talk about graphics!Just awesome!Maybe the best graphics i have ever seen.Of course you must have a very strong video card to be able to play oblivion to it's full capabilities!The environmet is something special, with the trees to move in the direction that wind is blowing!The water effects and the textures are like real!If you look at the sea in real life, you won't find a difference in the sea of oblivion!The swords are extremely well designed, with all the microdetails!

The sound is another strong part of oblivion!When you are outside, in the forest you will hear birds,bugs,the sea and every little sound very realistic!The dialogues are well produced with nice voice acting!Another positive element is that when an enemy is nearby, the music change to epic style, which is awesome, and it can warn you!

The gameplay part is really awesome and very simple to learn!With the right mouse button you block and with the left you attack!The only disadvantage i found is the inventory interface!No by the way it's designed, but the way you have access to it!It's like console style!This is a disadvantage, but nothing important that will reduce the fun that Oblivion is offering!

The animations are very nice and smooth!Especially if you kill enemies, the corpses are falling like lifeless things on the ground which is very realistic!

Despite some little bugs that is very reasonable a huge game like oblivion to have, you MUST get this game!You won't regret it!It will be an old time classic game for sure!