Wow! What a game this is! All I can say its that you better have some time on your hands for this awesome game. UNREAL!
1, Character creation - there are so many combinations of this it would be hard to cover but here is some of the races you can be ~ Nord, redgaurd, Elf, ETC. You are grouped into a various class ~ theif, Archer, Mage, ETC. You will also be born under a specific birthsign ~ Shadow, apprentice, warrior, Etc. These are not an all inclusive list, but just a few examples.
2. The Fighting ~ Most of the fighting in this game is done by hand to hand or Hand to weapon or Weaon to weapon. There are many weapons in the game. They are blunt weapons such as Maces and Axes. Blades ~ Swords and Knives, and Magic Weapons. Which can be any weapon after enchantment. There are also archery weapons.
3. Magic ~ This seems virtually non-important early on in the game, as the game progresses you will see it more and more important. To really get the best use out of magic you'll need to complete the mages guild side quests.
Now on to the quests ~
First you start off on the MAIN Quest, it is really the only quest that needs to be done to complete the storyline.
There are other quests availible to enhance the main storyline. It greatly adds to the game and adds great storyline to the whole game. These quest are as of follows
~Fighters Guild~Mages Guild~Theives Guild~The Dark Brotherhood~The Arena~The Master trainer quests~Daedric quests~freeform quests~And Misc quest. All will be reviewed shortly. Fighters Guild quests - These quests are fairly simply to task, You will help fight. The added bonus to doing these quest are the fighters guilds that are located in each town, They will provide a bed, free stuff to members of the guild. Certain Guild members provide training services for a fee of course.
Mages Guild quests - Magicka is the key here, You will have to have recommendations from all the head Mages guild members in each city to gain access to THE ARCANE UNIVERSITY. Here you can later build the ulitmate Magic staff. Being a member of the mages guild also provides a bed and yep you guessed it, Items in the houses are free. Certain mages guild members also provide training as well as selling spells.
Theives Guild - After joining the theives guild you will be able to sell stolen property. (honest merchants wont buy stolen goods). This is good for some extra gold, they also offer a cool service that costs too. Any item you sell them can be bought (at a higher price than what you sold it to them) from them will no longer have the stolen mark on them allowing you to keep them if you get caught and have to go to jail.
The Dark Brotherhood ~ Simply put you become a murderer for hire.
The Arena ~ You become a fighter on the blue team in the arena. You will fight to the death for gold and glory. You can also bet on which team will win a fight if you are not currently fighting.
The Master trainer quest ~ once getting so far into the game these particular quests become availible, Completing these quest will give your charater "superhuman" abilities as you will be a Master of your skills.
The Deadric Quests ~ There are only 15 of these particular quests, but that number will rise as many of the quests have multiple parts to them.Completing these quest will provide you access to some of the most powerful weapons in the game.
The Freeform quests ~ Well there are many of these with various objectives and rewards. find them all and complete them to earn the rewards and level up your character.
The Misc quest - Look up Miscillenous and you'll find out why this is the only info availible here.
If you remember the Thieves guild desciption you'll remember me mentioning "Jail". If you steal something or murder someone you will be awarded a Bounty on your head. to get rid of it you have 3 options
1. Pay the bounty (you will go to jail and pay your fine, losing any stolen property, this will only prevent you from advancing time.)
2. Fight to the death with the Guard (this will only increase your bounty)
3. go to jail and sleep it off ( you will not lose any money doing this, but the game time will advance while you serve your sentence, Stolen property will also be confiscated)
Next on this review will be Mixing potions. (alchemy)
This is the mixing of ingrediants to make a potion of some sorts. Depending on what you mix will depend ont he effects the potion has. Just expiriment to find out what is the best. ~~You will have to find ingrediants though, The plants you need grow throughout Cyrodiil. Search far and wide for them. they are more than useful.
There are also houses for sale in almost all of the towns in Cyrodiil. Buy them for free places to stay. last but not least I want to say good luck to your quests, The last thing will be encountered in the main quest. ( I will not mention to much about the main quest as to not ruin the storyline) . However I do want to touch a bit on the "Oblivion Gates". They are like portals straight from hell, Goblins and deadric shamins and evil creatures will attack you while here. Your objective in these portals from hell is simple :Take a sigil stone from the sigil keep to close the gate:. Good Luck
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