Peace, Love, War, and Obsession, Especially Obsession!

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3
Gameplay: This game has only few glitches and will keep you interested for 200+ hours guaranteed! with plenty of quests, NPCs, and Fights + etc. to keep you interested. You could quite possibly become obsessed, miss work, and stay at home and play until it destroys your life, but its okay because you'll have Oblivion to play! This game is sure to Bring life back to single player Off-line RPGs.

Graphics: The Graphics are tremendous especially on ps3, although the pc version is better depending on what card + specs you have. HD components, are needed if you want the full graphical experiences otherwise it will look like a lovely looking ps2 game.

Controls: acts like a PS first person shooter game basically , Standard R1 to attack, Triangle to jump, and etc.

Package: I love that its comes with Knight of the Nines expansion built into the game (even though it took awhile to figure out lol) and it gives a good description on everything needed to know in the instruction manual.