The Standard of future RPGs.

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
Many people don't realize it but when Elder Scrolls: Oblivion appeared their was no other RPG for a console besides Final Fantasy that was anything to look at. Graphically the game still can compete with some of today's graphics, the story was extensive and intricate, the psychology did cause player feedback, and the level of customization and exploration was off the charts. Basically the game did set a standard in essentials for RPGs. Meaning their must be multiple factions in the game, choices on how things play out, companions, homes, and player freedom.

Then the DCL and player created downloads added to what future games should encompass. Pets, other realms, and finishers being among them. The game had over 100 quests, used almost every item at one point, a leveling system that made since and allowed you to feel stronger. And even though the quests with choices were limited the did present a good guy or bad guy feel which bethesda continued in their next project Fallout 3.

People who have played Oblivion won't except games without the concepts embodied within it and bethesda should be proud. Thus Elder Scrolls is a great representation of the growth in RPGs in 3D.