Best Elder Scrolls yet, but they should combine this and morrowind for TES V to make the ultimate game.

User Rating: 8.7 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC
When I saw the new intro to I almost fell off my chair. THEY'RE MAKING ANOTHER!!! A year later it was mine!!! As you do when you get a new game I went upstairs to play it for, oh 7 hours. I loved it. TheyGraphics are amazing. The people look like real people (only problem is real people are ugly :P ) the terrain and the weapon detail is just unreal. The combat system was greatly improved from Morrowind. Being able to cast magic without having to put away your weapon was the best. I spent about half an hour running around after a deer trying to hit it with the fireball spell you get at the beginning. I loved everything about it. Only problem was i then began to compare it to Morrowind. I'm one of these sad people with no life and completed more or less every quest on morrowind. And i kept noticing things on Oblivion that just weren't good. The compass took away part of the fun of quests. Wasting your time talking to everyone in a town just to find one person is part of the fun. I was shocked that there was no levitation spell and I nearly lost all faith in the game when i realised just how small it is. Only 4 guilds (5 if you include the arena) and the main quest is so short i did it in 5 hours. However spending more time on it i discovered the leveled system and was drawn back in. I saw past all teh faults and realised just how amazing this game is. If it's your first eldar scrolls game then you'll love it. If you found morrowind hard then you'll love it. However, if like me you got so addicted to morrowind and loved every part of this then you will find a lot of faults with it to start with. Just play it until your about level 15. The dark brotherhoods quests did it for me. They are by far the most creative things that bethesda has ever done. And the daedric shrine quests are a very close second.

I know this hasnt made much sense, its my first review but i hope it helps anyway