Elder scrolls IV is the next step...or is it?
If i had 6 hours to tell you about it i would, but lets just say that if Morrowind looked the same it would have been a better game. it's like bethesda and 2K games took a step back in the content and fun factor dept. dont get me wrong I have logged over 100 hours in this game and watched another 100, and all those hour were enjoyable for the most part, but everytime I or the other dude, tried to be god like, which was so easy to do in Morrowind, it's like there was block. Now I understand that the developers didn't want you to break the game, but to make your stats top out at 100, and any proficiency after that fact is null and void is UNACCEPTABLE. I want my 200 strength to crush anyone I hit with my sword, and not just increase my burden level.
I can look past the fact that they simplified the weapon skill set from, Long Blade, Short blade, & Dagger to just Blade, but taking out spells like Jump and levitate is total trash.
HEY BETHESDA! the next Elder Scrolls game better have that stuff, or I'l...just rent your game HA!
Seriously, This is a good game, but if your expecting another Morrowind, you'll be sorely disappointed