The RPG for people who don't like RPGs.

User Rating: 9.4 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
You've played action games. You, one badass guy with a bunch of guns (or his fists and feet) against who knows how many enemies. Well what if he was a she? And you decided if they had to use a gun or their fists? And you decided where to kick ass first? Oh, and it took more than 4 hours to finish?

This is the action RPG. Or at least Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. My experiences with Role-Playing Games have been small, memories only including the likes of X-Men Legends and some samurai from the N64. I haven’t had a problem with them; it’s just the battle systems I can never stand. That’s why I prefer the action RPG to the regular one. And I love this game.

There’s no need to explain what this is or about. If you don’t know by now, you obviously have no interest in it. So I’ll just get to my thoughts. Honestly, I put this on my Gamefly Q because when I heard you had to create someone, I knew that a female had to be in realm of possibility (don’t ask). Anyway, I like the experience I’ve had so far.

The customization is crazy. You create a person from scratch, and you choose which abilities your character is "born" with, like whether they hack and slash or they defeat enemies with magic. As you go on, you improve these abilities, which allows you to fight the tougher enemies later on.

For a game as complex and vast as this, I find it a bonus that every single person speaks lines and even say a varied amount of things (there is some repetition, but that’s expected, and it’s not enough to worry about). I like the battle system, as it’s actually fighting, in either first or third person perspective, even though it’s secretly rock paper scissors based on your abilities compared to your opponents’, like RPGs usually are.

The overall world looks just amazing, and you’ll realize why you have an Xbox 360 once you see this. I should note this is from a person using a SDTV, so I guess it’s even better in high def. The people look realistic (even the non-human looking races) the textures on vegetation just plain creeps me out it’s so detailed.

That’s pretty much it. There’s no way you could not like this game. Seriously. This comes from a person who plays usually plays racing and sports games.