Although the majority of the game is when enemies randomly get stronger it takes away from the experience
The storyline is also one of the strongest points in this game, as it is immersive and long enough that you get sucked in and fell like you actually are the character, and even when this is done you can still play around the world doing optional quests. It can also be fun to explore random dungeons and just kill stuff.
However as good as this game it lacks significant character progression. Sure you gain levels, but so do the bad guys. Sometimes they are switched to a more powerful bad guy, but often not. Some enemies even level up faster then you do. It is a real pain when you kill a goblin in 1 hit at level 2, and the same UNARMOURED goblin takes 20 hits with your best weapon at level 30 to kill. It is the same with fish!! Come on if 3 fish can kill a level 20 character then the level system sucks. It actually feels like your character gets LESS powerfull as he levels up. THis is why this game isn't all its cracked up to be.