Freaking perfect
User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC
i have to say, i was really impressed with this title. never having played elder scrolls games before, i actually used my friends copy and a cd crack SHHH dont tell. so right there the games good, first because it was free ;) also, i had recently been looking for a game that was more immersive than the standard fps game (which is all i had at the time) but didnt want to get into an mmo, what with my loathing for wow and whatnot. so here comes oblivion. of course im interested. id read the reviews, i saw the screens (holy crap) and then played it at my friends. upon recieving the game and purchasing a new gpu (my old one got oh about 3 fps w all low settings) i started to play. right away, i new this game was gonna be good. it had pretty much all the elements i love in a game. i was first pleseantly surprised with the fps perspective, bc i love shooters so much. also, i love great stories. this one's definately got one. another thing i (wierdly even maybe) love is ragdoll and interactive objects. ever since i first was introduced to havok with medal of honor pacific assault and then half life 2, ive been hooked. to see these physics in a game of this size is incredible. take that gta! and last, but oh so definately not least, are the graphics. they. are. awesome. so awesome, i bought a new graphics card. to say the least, my father, who is not so much a fan of video all.... was impressed, so to that at least i say congrats bethseda. i just love the feel of this game: the immersion i experience which is second only maybe to half life the first time i played. in short, this game rocks.