Amazing gameplay and amazing graphics. This game is just all around amazing.
User Rating: 9.6 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
This game is all around amazing. Deep character customization all the way too the way the trees wave in the wind is what makes this game great. Graphics are beyond of what you would dream if you have a HDTV and are incredible without a HDTV. The sound is crazy too. Hearing swords and shields clash has never sounded better before. Gameplay is really fun. The fighting system is amazing and the quest deliver lots of twist and turns that will keep you wanting more. This game delivers endless fun and will make you want to create another profile and start a new journey. If there was one flaw I had to point out that I didn't like was that the developers said that it had 200+ hours of gameplay which it MIGHT have, but I really completed a lot of it in a really short amount of time because I was so hooked on the game. No needs to worry though. The developers have made 4 new downloads available on the Xbox Live Marketplace including the horse armour, thieves den, the Orrery(or something like that), and the Wizards Tower.
So, in a wrap, do I think you should go get Oblivion? No matter what type of games you like, everyone should own a copy of Oblivion. I was not a fan of RPG's. I loved shooters and such, but Oblivion opened up a whole new genre world of gaming for me and now I dead love RPG's. So, why are you still reading this? GO GET THE ELDER SCROLLS IV: OBLIVION!