Fantastic engagement, epic adventure
User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
I was skeptical about playing this game. I have been prone to getting highly addicted to games with endless play potential (Diablo 2 ruined my life;) So i have tried to stay away from the games with potentially limitless play. I actually want to get married some day! Am i kicked out of the video game club now? lol Anyways, I did obviously eventually purchase and play the dangerous game. I have spent way to much time on this game as i feared, mainly organizing my houses with various trinkets in a very obsessive compulsive sort of way. But aside from wasting to much time on pointless things in this game, it was an amazing gaming experience. The story line was very fun and kept my attention. I thought some of the combat sword play was extremely well done and engaging. There were a few glitches that were somewhat frustrating but nothing significant. I have recently picked up the game again in order to finish some of the 'evil' missions and they have proven to be fun as well. I also gained a new found respect for the land scape and visuals in the game. Breath taking in some places. Really the only thing holding me back from giving this a ten, is just some of the graphical glitches and game play glitches. Other then that this game is just masterfully done.