The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Review

User Rating: 7.5 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
This game is a very good game but has it's high and low points. One of the best points is the leveling system. The levels are just difficult enough to obtain and easy enough they're fun too, and of course its easier to kill people with higher levels. However I would recommend passing up this game unless you are a true fan of The Elder Scrolls for a few reasons. Firstly, it has very repetitive game play! Go here, kill him, collect item, return, rinse and repeat. That's not bad in a normal rpg but in Oblivion it's terrible because they did such a good job of creating the world! It's so huge that it takes forever to get to your objective! I'm not complaining about the world, not at all, just thinking they need to make a better way to travel because some areas are isolated and the first time you travel there takes forever! The frame rate seems to drop low lots of times even with the game installed to my hard drive. Another problem I see is exploits and glitches. There are thousands! That should be expected in a game that size and since there's no online it's not that big of a deal but man there is a way to work around anything. You can use the duplication glitch to remedy poverty or the chameleon armor to literally walk though the whole game unnoticed, which makes a very boring game. 7.5/10