Pretty Good

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
One of the most in-depth games i've ever laid upon;however, it definitly isnt one of those games that you should play if your looking for constant action. At some times you wish that you could just teleport from destination to destination because everything is so far apart from each other. I know this is to get ingulfed in the games many secrets and side missions; but come on, when your going to a quest spacifically for fighting, you dont want to have to walk all the way across the land to do so. That being said, walking around and just trying to look for things to do is very VERY fun; its just the occasional sence of boredom and annoyence that you get from walking from quest to quest. The game does have VERY good graphics. It also suits the person that doesnt spend hours and hours on a video game (like myself). Just make sure that you have a Hard drive for your 360 and not a memory card for this particular game. On the back it states that it takes up 8mb of space;however, what it doesnt tell you is that its 8mb for every save. And trust me you probably go through 10 saves within an hour of gameplay. You can delete the saves but its just a hastle sometimes organizing your memory storage for other games to fit aswell, and i only have 2 other games (condemned and prey). Over-rall very good game. I was impressed