This is quite possibly the best Role-Playing game in existence today and should be treated as such.

User Rating: 9.8 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
I've played Final Fantasy, Knights of the Old Republic I and II, Dragon Quest, and Jade Empire, but none of those compared to the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This game combines the open ended type worlds of Final Fantasy with a unique control and battle style. There are no random battles, and there is no turn based system. Instead, what we have is a fast paced Action RPG that has a bright future. There are only six or seven cities, much less than the hundreds in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, but the cities are detailed right down to the grass. There is no doubt that Oblivion is a very pretty game by anyones standards. The world itself is unique and has an exceptional draw distance. For instance, you could stand on top of the tallest mountain and see all of the game world. My only graphical complaint is that all of the people look ancheint and sometimes blocky in appearance and the underwater effects leave MUCH to be desired.

The sounds in the game are truely superd. The sound track is very orchestral and I would love to see a standalone soundtrack. Most of the people sound the same, however. There are about ten to fifteen voices for over one hundred and fifty NPC's, which certainly detracts from the realism.

But, the gameplay is the most talked about feature of this game. This is a classic Action RPG with the perfect difficulty. There are tons and tons of weapons, armor and other items in the game. Each weapon is unique is appearance and use, and each armor has it's up and down. Combine that with a perfect level system, and you have a winner. Each item you pick up has a sale value and a weight. You can sell it for gold to purchase other items, and if you keep the item instead, it will weigh you down and cause you to move just a little bit slower.

All in all, this is a seemingly perfect game that should not be missed whether you like this type of game or not. I am still waiting for a Game of the Year Edition so I can buy the game instead of borrowing it from my freind. Happy Hunting.