I was on the fence whether to buy this game or not, since I am not a fan of RPGs. However, I enjoy action RPGs so I decided to buy this game, and I have to tell you, WOW! The story is epic, the environments are lush in detail, the sword fighting is fun, casting spells are easy, and the map is huge! The main quest will take you a little while to complete, but when you are done with that, you still have plenty of hours of more gameplay with a bunch of other side quests, and guilds you can join. This is easily the best action RPG, and quite possibly one of the best games for the PS3 so far!
Other Helpful Reviews for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
I'm playing the ps3 version right now and it looks improved since the PC and 360 version. If you didn't play it too much for 360 or PC.....get it for ps3. There's some things you'll see a difference in, for example: Load... Read Full Review
It somehow took me a few days to realize how much I love Oblivion. I picked it up mostly due to glowing reviews and the absolutely huge online community that has grown up around it—it's always a good sign when you look s... Read Full Review