Meh, not a great RPG.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC
Oblivion is the game that introduced me to TES, it also happens to be possibly the worst in the series. It is also hardly an RPG at all as many RPG elements and concepts are missing and the game requires modding to have any replayability.

Character customization is probably one of the few things this game actually improved upon from it's predacessors. So many options and fine tuning allows for great customization of appearance. I find myself losing about anywhere from ten to twenty minutes alone refining my characters cosmetics before going on to save the almost uninhabited world you are thrown into.

The world looks pretty though if that counts for anything. Most enemy encounters will be in dungeons or by the entrances to these dungeons. These monsters are also level scaled so don't expect to see your character become so skilled that you become nearly god like except against the toughest foes. Human occupance outside cities is almost non-existant and the ones that are around were put there solely for one quest or two. This makes for a rather lifeless world in which you get to be a lonely little soul.

What guilds there are to join offer probably the best experience. It appears as if actual thinking and effort went into their story arcs and it provides an excellent chance for your new guy to eat his peas and grow strong so he may tackle the amazingly "difficult" main quest, which almost no thinking and effort seemed to go into as the story was rather unimpressive. Also anything you do in this game is made even "harder" by the fact that monsters level with you and the fact it holds your little hand through the whole thing. Following a giant red/green arrow is all you need to do. This game requires no more thinking than that.

Luckily though there a great many mods made by the players themselves that greatly improve many of the aspects I brought this game down for. These mods make the game alot more completed for lack of a better word.

The graphics are gorgeous, sounds and music are great, and gameplay lacking. If you're looking for a quick fantasy fix or you are new to the RPG genre pick the game up. That's about it.