Thank you Oblivion for making it ok to sit an play a video game for months with total disreguard for the real world.

User Rating: 9.7 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
Oblivion is a rare gem among a saturated video game market filled with less than desirable productions.

Everyone has been looking for that "next-gen" game that will make their purchase of an Xbox 360 worth while and it has come in the form of Oblivion.
Filled with countless quests, monsters, cities and a vast landscape Oblivion delivers what it promises. What makes this games stand out is the coupling of superb graphics and game play. From the introduction to the grand finale Oblivion sucks you in and holds you prisoner.

With the Oblivion you are in total control of your character. From the intuitive controls in developing one's character, to your character's moral compass. Be the road of valor or the path of wickedness the choice is yours. It's refreshing not having to trod a set path, but being able to roam free and choose where you want to go and when you want to do it. The characters that you will encounter are intriguing, not at all the lame puppets that other titles have that you care nothing about. Oblivion actually invoke feelings and make you either love or despise those in the game. It's a rare thing to truly have a feeling that your quest matters and you are not just going through some motion set before you by the game's creator.

I can go on for hours about this wonderful title, but it would not do it the justice it deserves. Simply buy the game and embrace it.