If you look around at a lot of bad user comments around the internet you'll see that many of them are just bad talking the game because they feel it is a "dished up version of WOW" but none of them have actually played the game. I for one decided to play the game because I'm tired of my subscriptions for WOW and the bland looting and killing quests and it successfully swept me away from all of that and left me truly satisfied. The questing is engaging and the story is rich. I can't remember the last time I actually had a quest in WOW that was meaningful. The game play on the PS4 is fantastic. The games game play and graphics is an upgraded version of skyrim or any other elder schrolls game with the diversity and progression they lacked before. As for the MMORPG set up, it reminds me a lot of runescape, except with factions and races. Your mages can wear heavy armor and wield maces, its all up to you.
The only cons of the game are the other people surrounding you during quests. Sometimes the story is so rich and interesting you are looking forward to what lays ahead, like a boss. But as you arrive others in the area are already fighting and have won and you suddenly completed that part of the quest as if you did it but you weren't really involved and now you missed out on the experience. I wish you could pick servers like in runescape and pick the empty german ones lol