Skyrim has outdated graphics, even for 2011, a messy, 1990's-esque UI, inconsistent voice-acting, and some truly awful animations. People tend to overlook all of this because the sheer scope of the game necessitated some corners being cut. Others excuse it because of the modding sdk bringing fixes, beatifications, and expansion.
I cannot overlook these issues. The first time I tried to play the game, I only got 5 hours in, and I was so hung up on fixing Bethesda's mistakes that I dropped playing for a year. As a fifth installment, I would have expected the developers to have this pretty well ironed out by now.
So why did I still give this an 8? During the year for which I put this down, I had several friends insisting that I had missed something. They didn't argue with any of the problems I expressed, but told me I was missing the gem hidden in the mud. So I picked it up again.
My friends were correct. After hours of modding, which I enjoy anyway, I'm running around a beautiful country and enjoying every minute. Towns are populated with dozens of individuals who you get to know and love. They'll send you on hundreds of quests to scores of locations where you'll find varied enemies, loot, and bits of Skyrim history.
This all gives you an amazing sense of power. You start off stronger than most of the humans you meet, and they admire and fear you for it. You feel necessary to the land, running from place to place, fixing things only you are qualified to fix. This doesn't feel capped, though; unlike so many other RPGs, there isn't a sense that you'll hit a level or reach a skill that makes it all too easy. Quests are abundant and there are always some you're waiting to qualify for, just as there are always enemies just beyond your ability to deal with.
Combat is simple but effective. Shooting enemies from afar or smacking them in the face point blank both add to the sense that you are a powerful being. There are enough fights to make the game exciting, but not so many as to break up your travels and become annoying.
I'm really glad I could enjoy this game the second time around. I can't believe Bethesda let so many issues slip by into production, but in the end they pale in comparison to the pros. Give this game the chance it deserves and it won't let you down.