Been playing since Tes3, great game !

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3
This game is lacking in some things that used to be a part of Elder scrolls. However, there is only so much people can do and I would have to say this game is above the standards of any other RPG of it's time. Marketing this game to everyone might not have been the best idea but there are no complaints from me because all-in-all there is no better game for me to be immersed in so.... I guess it's Skyrim for awhile ! Keep up the good work Bethesda ! Elder scrolls is a good series through and through and people who say otherwise are just looking for a different kind of game. Skyrim is the best single player RPG and it does a perfect job of letting the player be the master of his character and play the game the way you like; Almost no restrictions. Bethesda always does a good job when making innovative RPG games as can be seen with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Playing Skyrim for me is about the art, and the art is beautiful. I like to appreciate the feeling you get of wandering around the wilderness seeing mountains, streams, and anything you might expect to find in the wild; Not to mention dragons and wildlife that are visually stunning. All i have to say is if you like games that give you lots of choice and immerse you in the world, then play The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim !!!