This is truly one of the greatest games of all time

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3
I absolutly love this game because when you start to play this game you are instantly sucked into this world as if you are truly living your characters life and everything. First you start of by creating your own character like 8 different races and you are completely in contol of the kind of play style that you want to play as if you want to be a mage you can be one or if you want to be a stealth character or if you want to be a full on combact character or you can be in between all of those types of styles it is truly one of the best games of all time and i am proud to play this game they're only a few minor glitches that, with the time that i have played, has not affected my game play except for the framerate drop that happens on a few occassions but to me it doesn't effect much. They're so many quests that literally you can just walk up to any character and talk to them and it could possibly give you so sort of mission to do and to me that is truly amazing this is truly one of the greatest games of all time and one of the coolest things in the game is that once you fully beat the main story the credits never role so even after you beat it you still have more room for progression of your character and to me i love that about that game because i have beaten the game and after i beat it i was still progressing my character and do so much stuff in the world and after i beat the game i was still sucked into this world and i grew attached to the world because i was able to make the character the way i wanted to make it and i love quest games and to me this is the greatest quest game of all time and trust i believe that anyvbody that plays this game will instantly love it so i highly suggest everybody should at least check this game oput whether it is renting or buying or borrowing it so you can check it out for yourself