Breath Taking world they have build, takes a very long time to explore all of it

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3
For a person to play Elder scroll for the 1st time and experience such depth and amazing detailed game such as skyrim, its very fascinating to experience the world of Skyrim.
Thats my first RPG game and it took over as my top 1 game now, even thou am a fifa player...
I wish they make Elder Scroll 6 or just redo the older Elder Scrolls, it would be great to see the different worlds of tamrial.

In overall review, this game take a long time to cover, i mean the world of skyrim is vast and despite that, there is so much history for each guild. this much content is huge and in the same time exciting to discover.

I hope the developers of this game have great success with this game and the up coming one if there is. i hope they recreat the previouse once and make it better or even as good as this one, for its it a hell of a game to do. Good Luck for Bethesda.