This is just sad very sad...
I really really want it to give this game a chance, it have so much to offer but the bugs are still there....
I got the last update 1.3.1 and the game still crash my pc from time to time not like at the beginning but it crashes when you least you expect !!!
I mean is not consistent in any way, so you can't play it at all, i was finishing a quest and suddenly crash....have to restart my pc..
I'm done with this game, a really shame because if it wasn't for this this is just a game for a 10 or 9.5...
If you are a fan of elder scroll i have a very bad new to you...
Skyrim is a very bad port of consoles, you can tell right away when you start the game and you can't use your mouse in the menu, you have to use the keyboard the mouse only works a few times in some thing but most of the time only keyboard....
The menu problem is FIXED(still a console menu..)
Binding weapons and items is very hard and you can't zoom in and zoom out objects because of the broken UI.(The zoom and look at the item is fixed too)
Axis X and Y is a joke and you can't modify separately
Mouse smooth is horrific...
All the UI (user interface) is made for console and then bad very bad ported to pc... just a shame they ruined an awesome serie by doing this.
Shadows looks like minecraft shadows, yes they are blocks!!!!!Even on ultra settings they are uglier as they can be...even oblivion got better shadows
Textures:Some are good and some oh well worst than the shadows if thats even possible.
Other than that the game looks very good....
I mean they made a game for xbox360 and ps3 (but mainly xbox360) and then ported to the PC and this is what you get.
Oh and they release a patch the day 1 that absolutely fix nothing.
I'm hoping they fix this ASAP...
And for the love of god stop ruining good game with bad ports PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!
EDIT: 18/11/11
Well seems that some problems have been fixed but now the games gives BSOD or CTD randomly so I can't even play it...
I contact bethesda and they told me from changing some setup volume thing to try the lowest res and graphic option possible but didn't work either so I'm waiting to the 2.0 patch for pc...
What you don't believe me?you think I'm overreacting?Well look at this:
Just a few... =)