The game is masterpiece. For all the whiners crying about the keyboard not working good!!!!!!!!
The game has excellent taste of graphics, the gameplay etc fighting is smooth and really enjoyable for both 1st person and 3rd person. The story so far is good and on point with each quest you do. At the start of the game ****SPOILER*** I joined up with the prisoner just because with the prisoner you kill a Captain and the gear you get to steal from the captain is just superb so I highly recommend going with the Prisoner and not the Guard of the town that asks you to follow him. Both sides end up with the same story anyways from what I could tell. But the Prisoner you get more items and better items with. I am giving this a 10/10 just to up from the down raters but my honest rating is 9/10 just because of the bugs but no big deal the game is still good.