This is just one of those games that we will remember for a long time... Whiners need to stop whining... Bethesda rocks!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC
I am about 15 hours into the game and the one thing I noticed is that the game is fuc**** huge! There are countless numbers of quests and stuff to do. You can explore the enviroment or progress in the quests. I really love the new leveling system, some will say that it was dumbed down, but I believe that it was just made a little more accesible to wider range of players. Not all of us are hardcore rpg players. And I just don't get what is all this fuss about UI. I love it, its really simple to acces the thing you want, you have a favourites menu, and you can tag spells, weapons etc. with numbers from 1-9. What more could you ask? There is a new questing system that really beats about anything shown in a RPG before, you could say that it follows your actions and it responds to it. The quests are are really interesting and not just go there bring this and so on. Almost every quest has a substory... Anyways I just love it. The game sucks you in, there are alot of ways that you can play, depending on what aproach you want to take. And what is wrong with the graphics? I wouldn't say it somethinge revolutionarry, but in my opinion the game looks and runs great. My message to the whiners is, stop whining start playing or leave gaming altougheter alone... Its clear that this game has allot of effort and knowledge about game manking in it. Bethesda really did a great job and this game is worth the money that it costs, not like some shi**y cod mw 3 and so on. I really recomend this game its briliant!