This SKYRIM does not belongs to ELDER SCROLLS.
They should to had learn from CD Projekt Red Studio who makes witcher 2 a truly epic. i am not comparing witcher 2 with this game as both of different genre but still role-playing.
some technical aspects to make it more clear:-
GRAPHICS- the trailers shown by this game are the only real graphics moment. and left is messy and odd. there are some nice scenario , but a lot of AI problem . 6 out of 10
GAMEPLAY- its basically made for console version . Bethesda studio might be forget that they are also launching this game in pc.All the UI (user interface) is made for console and then very bad ported to pc .just a shame they ruined an awesome series by doing this. 5 out of 10
SOUND- This is the only thing that makes this game admirable . background sound is excellent , especially when u discovered some new places. 8.5 out of 10.
So my rating if,
WITCHER 2=100 , then SKYRIM=65.
But at last note ,playable game.