I change my mind after playing this.
Good- Level ups makes you more powerful than a Human, animal, monster, or dragon. You can customise your weapons and Armor. Enchanting stuff is not "UN" fair, it just makes it easier to kill stuff. Dragons are the most powerful boss yet, till about level 34 or so. The right to chose your path and missions. You can do what ever you want when you want.
Bad- Fricken glitched up graphics. Long texture pop ins 5+ seconds long. The Frost Dragons comes to fight you in the worst times. If you want to have children you are not allowed. The character N.P.C's and Flowers tend to get in your way way to often. The game defys too many rules of the Laws of Phyics. The choices are forced to make you chose one or the other. The wizards are cheaters in combat using their healing spells way too many times. Too many enemies use Frost magic. The god characters are unfair. The game also defy's the laws of Gravity. There are too many times that you have to save at certain spots. Too many game crashes on the PS3, first turn on you freeze in a hour time period, and after restarting the game it crashes in a few hours. Loading screens? WAAAAY to long, but not like Duke Nukem 4ever.
I have alot more of these problems. But let's leave it. I love this game, but I have my limits for this game's flaws.
7.0 Average game.