This is the best game this whole generation!
Story 7/10
So the story in Skyrim is that you are falsely accused of being a rebel, and your stuck tied up with a few other rebels, ready to be executed. But right before you are about to be chopped up, a dragon come out of no where and just burst the village to flame as you try to escape. So far, the story in this game is average. Elder Scroll have never impressed me with stories but this almost sparked a interest. The setting in the game is Rebel vs Imperial, which is a great setting. But the way the game start out bugs me. How are you falsely accused? We need a origin story for your character so we can have a reason to why we want to kill the dragon and why Imperial is corrupted. So although I like the story to set the mood of the setting of a cold continent having so much problem, there is still almost no effort in the other part of the stories. I want to dive in deeper but that would be too much spoilers.
Gameplay 9/10
This is where the game shine. *deep breath* ok so you can loot, kill, marry, lumberjack, go to college, go to dungeon, kill, talk, kill, and put basket on people heads. And yes I loved killing people. The world is HUGE, I have played 50 hours and I still have not covered 25% of this world. There are so many things to do that it will fill up your time for so long. The game was well constructed in a sense that you felt like the programmer really worked hard on filling the game with so much content. I was in LOVE with the game right away because exploring the world and doing anything you want in a medieval setting was a huge turn on for me. Now there is only one complaint......TOO MUCH BUGS! There are so many bugs in any game bethseda makes it is depressing. I understand the game takes a lot of time to beta test, but this is some serious annoyance. I saved many time because I am scared of being stuck to a wall or something again. I had to restart the game a total of 4 times because of this. This is unforgivable. They must fix this through patches but this is serious lazy work, they could have spent another month or two so it will be less buggy but they did not. If there was no bug I would have gladly gave this a 9.5 but sadly, this is not excusable.
Music 8/10
The music in this game really set the setting on most situation. About to fight a dragon? check. Fighting a bunch of bandits? check. Exploring and found a new place? check. I can go on but the music is quite nice. Graphic 8/10
I admit, when I turned on the game, I almost cream my pants. It looked very nice, even on the PS3. Now from what I heard, the PC is superior right next to 360 in term of graphic. So the PS3 is the worst looking yet I still loved it. I am not a graphic whore or anything but I am always impressed whenever I see it. The most memorable and mesmerizing is when I look up far away on top of a mountain and it is foggy. The fog is the best design in my opinion, I am sure other people have different taste but that is mine.
Replay ability 10/10
This game is just so full of content and so many different style that replaying the game is almost inevitable. I replayed it already just because I wanted to change my class, or change my race, or become all evil, or just restart it for fun. Playing the game over again will have almost a completely different playthrough which is something most video game need to strife for. Conclusion
GET THIS GAME! it is well worth 60 dollar even if it's on the PS3 when everyone is playing it on 360. I don't even need to explain anymore, it's a ELDER SCROLL GAME! so GET IT PLEASE!