Skyrim is an amazing achievement but...

User Rating: 8.5 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC
I still say The Witcher 2 blows it away for an RPG. Now before you bash me just see why I say that....1st TW2 graphics are still some of the most beautiful and diverse in any game period. 2nd the combat system is much more organic and the enemies don't just run back and forth. 3rd the game was more polished upon release. That being said, Skyrim is an amazing game in it's own right. The atmosphere and the musical score really makes you feel like your in an epic Conan movie. The graphics while improved, are still a little old and glitchy. The landscapes look good but the models look kinda 90's. The combat is much better than previous games but still kinda old school. The weather system is amazing in this game and really makes you feel cold and wonder why you aren't given a wooly cloak?? The dragons are amazing but killing them is a bit on the tricky side. The npc's definitely have a more lifelike script and can communicate better. There are endless quests and plenty to waste time just wandering around looking at stuff. I realize the world is immense and detailed but they do need to fix the random textures that are either so far under detailed they stick out or they are not even the correct detail for the surrounding textures. There is also rip's and tears in the geometry on the mountain sides and inside caves that detract from the experience. I was way up north near Windhold and was trying to locate a specific place they even had ice frozen on top of the water but once you fell in the water the gameworld was glitchy and looked very bad. All in all I'm sure my jaunt through Skyrim will be more than entertaining for many hours to come.
The Witcher 2 was also more scripted and not as completely open worlded as Skyrim attempts to be so different strokes for...