Can a new entry in the Elder Scrols revive the series?

User Rating: 8 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC
After Oblivion, I'm pretty sure almost no body was happy. The main quest was sh1t the side quests were short, all the characters had the same voice and the models looked like green potatoes. The Oblivion gates were tedious and quickly became a chore. That's what worried me about the second one. The random dragon encounters. Could they become as bad as the Oblivion gates.

Well I'm glad to say, no. The dragon encounters are fun, challenging and immersive. The main quest line is still pretty awful but more bearable than it's predecessor. The side quests are longer and have better writing, and thank the Nine (see what I did there, probably not, awkward huh) the models look fantastic.

Another problem with the original was the extremely bland landscape. Well, this has probably been what most of Bethesda's resources have been spent on, the world is amazing. Even on the ocean floor it's detailed and beautiful.

But still there are some thing tha could stand to be added or fixed. The stealth for example. How I long for the day when I could douse lights, use throwing knifes, smoke bombs and hide bodies. Also hit detection would be nice. I'm not asking for a medieval Call of Duty, but when an arrow skewers someone's head, I want them to fall down and die. When an arrow hits someone in the stomach I want them to slow down or try to pull it out while I'm busy. When I hit someones head with a war hammer, I guess you get it by now right.

This game is a solid entry and at least there are now, what, seven maybe six voice actors, issues like stealth need to be addressed still. This game has fixed a lot of Oblivion's issues and gave the series a much needed jump start. I can't wait for the next entry.