Great game with alot of value

User Rating: 9.5 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3
Skyrim was a nice fallow up to its younger brother Oblivion which most of us can say was a game to remember, with its open wilderness and tons of quest and factions to join, and we can not forget the time we all put in to it as well. Same goes here in the province of Skyrim I have put over 100 hours into the game and I still want to go back for more. After every quest I finish there is a feel like I changed the world and the peoples life with in the game from helping with a bear problem to saving the kings son you feel like you made a difference. It was also nice to see that the load times wasn't as long as it seemed in Oblivion which was nice but still waiting for the day with no loading. So Skyrim is a great RPG with a lot to give to its players, and it will keep you up all night. I give Skyrim a 9.5 out of 10.

Cheers. . .