Unrelenting Force
The amount of crafts and skills that you can learn will also keep you busy for a while. Expect to spend more than 100 hours on your character to develop him/her to a decent skill level. The interactivity in this world is uncanny. You can make friends, marry, buy a house, have a regular job, like smith or miner (or both), be a werewolf or a vampire, join a revolution or an conquering empire. The options appear to be limited to your imagination.
Many missions are highly creative. The outside world is full of dangers, including roaming dragons among other dangerous beast. The dungeons are filled with traps and sometimes a puzzle or two (though not very difficult to solve). The boss fights in the dungeons are not as spectacular as the dragon fights, but some of them are challenging and require a decent skill level. There are tons of dungeons to explore, and Skyrim is not a small piece of land to begin with.The level of detail in the world is amazing. The music is, to put it in one word, epic. Everything in the game reeks of multi-million-dollar production.
A game this massive must present a technical challenge to current technology, and this is where most of the problems that keep this game from perfection are. At least in the PS3 there are substantial slowdowns. The loading times are painful. You'll swear you spend half of the game playing and the other half watching the loading screens. The graphics are not groundbreaking, but are better than most of the games out there. The controls are good and responsive, despite the combat system being a bit old-fashioned. So far, I haven't experienced any of the game's famous glitches, and I believe considering the size of this game, the glitches are few and far between.
Skyrim is one -if not- the best game released in this generation of games so far. Despite its problems, its highly addictive. You won't be able to put your control down, and will beg for more hours in the day. Be careful: Once you enter, you will spend more days in Skyrim than in the real world.