The game is interesting. However, it does have some bugs. Easily dealt with, they dont ruin the fun, but are annoying.
User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3
The game has an excellent storyline and more than once players get to make choices, some of them will bring several rewards. What I personally enjoyed most is the element of consequence, whatever players do will bring effects. For example, if you help someone, they will like you and if you storm a community such as the Thalmor (Elven community that has en embassy in Skyrim), you are most likely going to be attacked by Thalmor Justicars. The graphics are ok but you might come across some mapping imperfections, such being able to see through several objects. Personally, I think that the only important bug is the crashing and freezing at saving. Luckily I was able to find a fix, simply deactivate the auto save. Be sure to check out this game, it won't disappoint you. It has one of the most interesting story lines in a game and it has very interesting side stories that are really put together. Not to mention dragon battles, that really are a blast. Personally, I have five words for this game, HOLLY SWEET MOTHER OF AWESOME!!!