Great Great Game. Not without flaws.

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim X360
Skyrim is everything you hear it is, it's huge, beautiful and really just a nice place to be.

The story in this game is that you, an unamed slave, are the Dragonborn. Basically, that means you are destined to free the people of Skyrim from the Dragons who reign terror on the people. As you are the Dragonborn you get many cool powers, like magic. You can have many different types of spells, you can also use weapons like swords and bows. You can use magic in one hand and a weapon in the other, or 2 weapons, or dual-wield magic. Also, you have shouts. These are when you, shout. But you gain different shouts as you go through the game. There are shouts to blow enemies away, to sprint at great speed etc. Mainly the combat is straightforward and works well, and looks authentic.

At the start of the game, you pick what race you are. There are many different races, all with different abilities. And depending on what you are, people will react to you differently. There are Nords (basically normal people), elves, Redguards and many more. I chose to be a High Elf as they had superior magic. In this game you level up by killing foes, completing missions etc. As you level up you earn perks, you can choose which perks you want and assign them to which category you want. Smithing, Light armor, one-handed weapons etc. As you use different abillities you will level up with that abillity, as well as levelling up your character level. There are loads of different areas for customization and i could go into so much more detail but the review would go on forever.

The main story in this game will last you about 15-20hrs maybe, but believe me that isn't even 10% of the content of this game, maybe not even 5%. When i say alot of content, i mean ALOT. Imagine alot in your mind and times it by 10. You will never 100% this game, you wont even 50% it. There are missions and quests and things to explore around every corner. There are 9 main holds (city's/town's), but there are many more little villages, caves, camp's, prison's, castles etc. etc. etc. Oh, and i almost forgot, the map. Skyrim's map, the land, where you are, is ENORMOUS. Ok, so imagine enormous, times it by 10, and there's Skyrim.

But, it isn't without problems. A game this big is sure to have problems, and believe me, Skyrim has problems. There are a few glitches, i guess that's not a problem. But the framerate often drops, there are holes in quests, sometimes quests can't be completed, the game does freeze and my save corrupted once. I guess this stuff is expected, but it just annoys me when im really into it, but my game freezes and i have to turn off my xbox and reload from my last save. This has happened maybe 15-20 times in 80hrs of gameplay.

But i eventually got bored of skyrim, after 70hrs ( a very long time ) i jut got fed up of Skyrim. I'm actually getting back into it now, i hope i get hooked again. That 70hrs was some of the most gaming fun i've ever had. The bottomline is "BUY SKYRIM". You won't be dissapointed.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 9/10