The Evil Within 2 (Review in progress)

User Rating: 8 | The Evil Within 2 XONE

(This is a review in progress, I've only gotten 5 hours or so into the game.) Starting off the sequel looks and feels different than the original. The graphics are more fresh and crisp and only help to intensify the gore and horror of the game. The story comes through much more clear than the first game and I don't feel so confused as to what's going on. I will not reveal anything within the story for the sake of not spoiling anything for those who have not played it yet. The start up time although a little long is all necessary for build up and instructions. The one thing worth noticing is the controls feel tight and sometimes choppy, this however will not affect your ability to play and survive. In chapter two you will obtain your first weapons, and from first impressions are under powered from the beginning. Killing basic enemies becomes a task in of itself when it takes 10 bullets for me to kill them. These are body shots mind you, the aim is tough too because it's shaky so good luck landing head shots. The enemies are tough, quick, and challenging, constantly keeping you alert. My only criticism when it comes to enemies is the white women (witch?) that has super speed and what seems like invincibility, be careful when you run into those I have yet to find a weakness. One of the biggest and best changes is making the game more open world and not fully path driven. There is much more to explore and much more to see and do. This creates a sense of actually being trapped in a horrific world (which you are!). They also added safe houses in addition to Sebastian's existing safe room. The big difference between the two is that you cannot upgrade abilities in the safe house. The odd thing is that the safe houses contain mirrors to go to safe rooms, which makes you question why have two rooms and not just make it one. It could be viewed as an unnecessary extra step. The upgrading system has changed and you now use weapon parts instead of green gel to upgrade your weapons, you now use black powder to craft ammo. As you explore you also find that bottles are now "weapons" in the sense that you can carry up to 5, instead of just picking it up and holding it until you drop it or use it. This is tool is helpful in creating distractions to remain stealthy. (To be continued.)