Warning... dont waste your money on this garbage. This game is a total disgrace... perhaps it would have been good in the past but it's a shame to see something like that released in 2014. The gaming mechanics make it nearly unplayable. The camera is horrible and the stuttering framerate is something one would have hoped stayed in the past. When you see on your shiny new ps4 something that has a lower framerate than most ps3 games had and with early ps3 tech ... something is wrong. The character animation is something from the past along with the whole technological aspect of it. In terms of gameplay... if the framerate was smooth as silk, the camera angle was enhanced and panoramic black band on the screen were removed... then you could actually start seeing a little more what's going on and moving your character without cursing at the controller all the time because you get stuck somewhere, cant turn fast enough or can't see what's on the screen because the camera is stuck behind a polygin... if that AND grabbing objects wouldnt be such a pain because pressing the X key works about 50% of the time... then maybe you could start enjoying it a little more... There is something here... I imagine the TLoU smooth gameplay in this horror story ... it could have worked. Then again that is if the stealth mechanics werent as poorly implemented. Story wise, "artistically" wise... this is mainly gross japan horror. The problem is that its just not scary, ultra gross up to the point where it becomes ridiculous... the art style has quite a strong personality, except the main characters. The AI overall is pretty stupid which makes the game a ridiculous exercise of running around in circles in small rooms with 3-5 enemies running at you, turning aiming (poorly since the aiming is soo bad) shooting in the wall and running. There are some fun traps here and there that you can try to use to your advantage but once again.. controlling your character is so random that you wont enjoy trying to play in finesse anyways. I doubt there's any replay value. After 6 chapters (which should be 2/3rd into the game) I stopped and decided to have a second playthrough of Alien Isolation on hard... now that's a high quality production and genuinely scary game! Its a shame to see japan produce such shit. Thats where it all started... so get up to speed people san! This is not 2000 anymore.
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