Very good ! :)

User Rating: 9 | The Evil Within PC

The game is interesting and obviously intense..It swallows you deeper with every chapter, the feeling in your stomach when walking down the 'empty' hallway and simmilar.. It has zero positivity, it's all dark and negative, always having the feeling you dont have a chance of 'making it out' alive. But that's what makes it outstanding. You have to beet the odds, and they are all against you .Shinji Mikami has done a great job, as well as the others who were involved in the game creation. Mix of horror action and pure evil resoulted in this game. It's psychologically complex game, and I personaly understand why people rate it low(ofcourse they are not 'stupid', just dont want to go deeper in the physicological stuff). In 15-25 years from now this will bi a fantastic horror classic.Ofcourse the game has its 'cons' but it's a lot of fun no matter. Detective Sebastian Castellanos facing pure hell. What's not to like there ;)