Resident Evil 4 again

User Rating: 9 | The Evil Within PS4

This game was a fantastic experience. It is intense, difficult and unforgiving. But, compared to titles like dark souls, it is a walk in the park... At night... As a teenage girl in west Baltimore. If you liked resident evil 4, you will love this title. You will die, but it will be a learning experience.

Occasionally frustrating when you run out of resources and need to fight another group of bad guys. Generally this means you did one section poorly. The game is aware of what sections are actually difficult and replenishes you appropriately. The storyline is really strange and interesting, you rarely feel like you know what is going on. This is perfect since you are somewhat insane and this is how the experience is supposed to feel.

One other problem was facing the same bosses more than once, this seemed a little lame.