Shinji Mikami is back! I love his games, from RE4 to Vanquish, Shinji always delivers hardcore oldschool games that require skill.
I was so happy reading people cry Evil Within is too hard for them. Indeed the game is not for the casual kids who are born in the 90's and up, or the old folks who were not gamers back in the day. This is a game where you have to conserve your ammo, play it slow and enjoy the ride.
Shinji's last game of this type was Resident Evil 4. RE4 was amazing, the best RE game ever. It's true RE4 was more action than previous games and there weren't any real zombies, but it was a great game! So i knew Shinji would never mess Evil Within up. Now.. i would say Evil Within is a good game, just not RE4 level.
The story i think is too confusing. Shinji was never very good when it comes to story, but here its just too confusing. This is a psychological game... getting in the mid of a killer. So yeah, the story gets pretty crazy.
I recommend to play this game with auto aim off! If you are an old school hardcore gamer like me play it this way. It makes the game more challenging and fun to play. And after you beat the game play it on AKUMU mode. It's great to know there are still games that offer some challenge. Thank you Shinji!!
Shooting the zombies.. i mean the indoctrinated mental being things... feels so good. I get that Killzone 2 feeling where when i shoot, i'm actually hitting something that reacts to bullets and bleeds. And maybe i blow their heads up!
The graphics wont win any awards. This is actually a last gen game with a current gen face lift. It looks nice, runs at 1080p, though the framerate drops sometimes due to bad optimizing. While the atmosphere is good for a horror game.
And oh... is it scary? Well i would say its more scary than RE yes. But i wasn't peeing myself xD
So yeah, good game. Not as good as RE4, but good. I beat it a couple of times, AKUMU was challenging. I would say Vanquish on god mode was more difficult though.