A brilliant game but lacks a story
User Rating: 9.5 | The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion (Complete Disc) PS3
This game is a far off exclusive for the ps3 lets put this straight you can get no game like this for any other console, so brownie points to sony for this brilliant game. Basicly this game has a setup of a camera, a camera stand, and mat and cards (no its not a game like yu-gi-oh and nothing like it) You can play against a computer or a freind and the aim of the game is the first person to put 5 cards down. The cards are card and look pritty good, basicly you put them on the designated place on the board and the camera reconises it and puts in on the screen board. And i must say the graphics are amazing (i am using a 1080i hd setup in my room)
The only problem about this game is that you need good light (but a lamp sorts this out) and it lacks a story mode, this means if you can only play it by yourself, then you have the choice to play computers over and over again, or play real people online wich i am still yet to do.
Overall this game is very cool and i suggest any card playing gameplayer out there to buy it.
I picked this up brand new of ebay for 32 pounds.