Opening scene was quite impressive but when you start to play, the graphics changed drastically.
On the bright side, it's a point and click game. It may not be much of an eye candy but it's alright. The sound is much better compared to graphics. Voice acting is good, and the background music, although creepy at times, is quite good. Somber and appropriate.
Storyline gets better. There's still some mystery left until the end of the game. Completely unpredictable. Sadly that's what i would also say for the gameplay. A lot of experimenting with your stuff and also your magic in places you wouldn't think of using. That part needed some getting used to.
I suspect, those who made this game don't like women much. I can only count 3 in the game and their roles are not quite something to be proud of. ;)
For a point and click game, there's too little pointing and clicking, and more fighting. Enivronment is kinda limited and when it's on isometric view it makes you dizzy.
You'd expect after all the battles you fought, you'd have a rather challenging time with the boss. NOT! It's just as easy as the monsters you fight in the final location.
Again, you'd expect that after playing it through there's a nice epilogue as your reward. You'd be thinking of that non-existent closure for the rest of the day.