The fifth elemnt was a good film but when the game came it wasent as good but i thought it was ok but a littile too hard

User Rating: 6 | The Fifth Element PS
The fith element starts off you playing as Korben Dallas an ex-major in The U.S army.Once you start off the game it may be a lttile tough at first untill you get the hang of the contolls and find a descent weapon and strong armour.But when i played this Game i thought i loved the film and this game isnt so bad it does have some futuristic elements like flying cars and huge skyscrapers like the citadel in Half-Life 2.The Graphics in the Fifth Element are good for its 198 look but are old for todays graphics.The sound has to be the best part of the game the music is well recorded and it has nice simple sound effects.I myself bought this game off amazon for 1 quid and 75 pence but its a great deal for a alright game and if you don,'t like well just trade it back in or keep it and play it later on in the future.Overall i would say The fifth elemtn is an ok game for people who are up for being killed alot in games.