The Fight could have been a better game but at the end of the day fitness wise it does the job

User Rating: 7.5 | The Fight: Lights Out PS3
not too keep this review too long as this is my first in ages and I just want to get straight to the point but this game deserves better from what the critics are giving it, yes it could have been alot better but the game does the main thing and that is be precise when throwing punches and makes you sweat and burn calories like your on the running machine at the gym especially if your unfit to begin with and it calculates all of your calories burnt per fight or training session and adds them up overall which is cool and the game also works your muscles and right now my biceps are actually sore a little which is crazy however there are a few little problems like you cant go out of the camera view or shouldnt walk at all while playing since this can mess up your head movement in the game when trying to dodge but I didnt find too many problems with this. Also it would have been better if there was some sort of story instead of just fight after fight plus if the graphics were better but trust me it looks just as good or better than Wii games lol. I would also say that people coomplain that the music is boring but thats not a problem since you can use music on hardrive anyway which is good.

this was my most hyped Playstation Move game since the start but while is doesn't live up to my expectation it does do what it says on the box and makes you get drainied like your in a real fight without the pain of getting hit back lol. Hopefully it will sell well enough and have sequels and hopefully we shall see more fighting games like this but obviously with alot of improvements maybe even to be able to throw kicks and knees? maybe not on move unless Sony can find away to fix this problem but its the best fighting motion controler game so far and beats its rivals Uncaged Fighters on Kinect and of course crap games like Wii sports boxing lol my final verdict I would have gave it a 8/10 but don't think its worthy of that as its basically not a AAA title and more of a AA titles but if you have Move and like fighting,Boxing, MMA or beat um up games or just want to get fit in general without being as bored as being in the gym then this is the game for you but do get if you own Playstation Move perhaps wait till it gets cheap if you dont want to waste £25 on it but I think thats a decent price for a game like this.

Gameplay 7/10
Graphics 6/10
Music 5/10 but with Custom soundtrack 8/10
Fitness 9/10
Replay value- want to stay in shape? defo purchase if not then 6/10
Move accuaracy 8.5/10
perfect with Move controllers as long as stay in view of PS Eye at all times but if you move your feet at all or out of the cameras view may mess up and depends on brightness of room

my final verdict 7.5/10
dont listen to critics

p.s aint tried online yet but what I heard its lag free and is decent