Don't believe the negative hype, it's all lies.
First things first, it's a bit expensive to get everything set up. You have to get two Move controllers, but given the amount of fun and exercise you'll get out of this game, it's all worth it.
Contrary to what the Gamespot review says, I never had any problems with calibration. When the game starts, you calibrate. It takes about fifteen seconds. Then before each match, you hold your hands out press a button, hold the controllers up to our chest and press a button and boom you're done. The load times on Mod Nation Racers take longer.
In all the matches I've played, I've never felt like calibration has been lost. You have to stand in place while you fight and maybe the reviewers who had calibration problems couldn't stand in the same spot during a fight.
The head tracking feature works, you just have to make sure you have adequate light. Played during the daytime with sunlight in the room, I had no problems. At night when it's darker, you have to figure out a light set up that works or you can just disable the head tracking motion, the game works fine without it.
This is the first time I remember a game actually made me tired from playing it. Unless you're in good shape, this isn't a game that you're going to play for five or ten hours in a row. But the getting tired never gets annoying, if anything you just want to play more so you can get in better shape so you can play longer.
Best thing I can compare it to is when you were in gym class in school, and while you could play floor hockey all day, once they made you run laps it got boring. The physical side of this game is like floor hockey at school, it never gets boring.
As for the colour of the game, I like it. I think it's fitting. I had no problem distinguishing fighters but it doesn't matter anyway, as you're just there to pound the piss out of them, not admire the way they look. Although it does look nice when you cut them up.
Only quibble I've got is that I've found it a bit difficult to find online matches. Maybe I'm used to the quickness of the COD online games, but I never found I could get into an online match right away all the time.
As a fan of fighting games, I have to say as it stands, this is the best of the best. It puts you in the game and that isn't just some lame company PR slogan. No longer are you just sitting on your arse pressing buttons, you're all actually moving around, dodging, swinging your arms and when you connect, it's much more satisfying than just pressing a button.
If you're got any sense of bloodlust, like the idea of clobbering people, both AI and human, have a few extra coins kicking around, don't hesitate to try this out.
And if you're still hesitant to buy it, check out some user posted fight videos on YouTube and see what you're missing.