A decent game that any Final Fantasy fan should play.
Story: This is a part where the game is lacking. By not having defined characters, there was no back story to them and any character is replaceable if you wanted to. The plot of the game was basic, there are four fiends that you must defeat and make your way to a final boss that you never knew about until that battle.
Gameplay: This game was a little annoying in the way that you build your party. You choose four characters at the start, either Human, monster, or mutant. These characters are allowed to be replaced at any point by going to a guild in town. This would be a cool idea, however, the new characters start with basic stats. This game features a battle system where you equip weapons or magic to your characters that have a certain amount of uses. You attack enemies with these items in a turn based fashion. At first this seems like an annoying battle type because you lose items, but at the rate the story progresses, there are always stronger weapons to buy when you run out of uses on your current one. To raise stats of your characters, there are not levels like many RPG's, instead, Mutants gain HP, Agility, Strength, and Mana randomly as you fight battles, they also have the ability to learn skills depending on what monsters you fight. Humans require items to be used to advance their stats, this is an unbalanced system becasue you can max out your Strength and agility relatively early in the game. Monsters are unique because they change into different monsters depending on what meat dropped by enemies you eat.
Overall, I recommend anyone who is a fan of RPG's to pick this game up if you see it, not necessarily hunt it down on E-bay, but if you see it in a store, it's cheap and worth a playthrough.