I liked The Getway but I love Black Monday even more. Read on to understand my points.
User Rating: 8.1 | The Getaway: Black Monday PS2
I think Black Monday is much improved over the original. The graphics and cutscenes look and sound better than the original. The game is more fast paced and the on foot missions are easier to control. The cars and characters handle better. I like the addition of motorcycles. I think the game is close to being perfect. I like the addition of a third character I'll admit that the stealth mission aren't that much fun, but playing as Mitchell and O'Connor is where the game gets its gusto. The story is exciting and London looks better. The civilians this time around react to police sirens instead of just sitting in the middle of the road. I think the vehicles even look better. I like the weapon selection and the sounds of the game are top notch in my opinion. The addition of a map this time around is very helpful. I just wish they would've put medical packs in the game instead that lean on the wall until you're better deal. That's also improved as well you can only do that so many times until you can't lean anymore. Which means your next step could be your last. I think if there's a third installment the game will be a 9 or 10 for me. If you liked The Getaway then you should enjoy Black Monday a lot more. As I said the game is almost there it just needs a little more time in the oven so to speak.