I thought the story line was awesome, the music from Amon Tobin was incredible as well, my second most favorite game. :)
User Rating: 9.5 | The Getaway: Black Monday PS2
What to say, this game has a awesome atmosphere to it, I was suprised to see the rating it got, seeing as how it has to me a one of the best story lines ive come across, although the ending does leave you disappointed. There's a great feel to this game, and it's fun cause it's a sandbox game! Great music as well, featuring a great artist, Amon Tobin, and also this game does have Alternate endings. This is no doubt my second most favorite game to date. I just have to say my firsts favorites though.. AMPLITUDE & FREQUENCY!! :) but yea, I do not remember too many glitches with this game, except for maybe some with the vehicles, but I didnt notice thier hinderance on the games enjoyabilty. Anyway Very good work in my book by the people at SCEE but could of done with a more satysfying ending to the story even with the alternates.