It had its moments, but in the end it just wasn't all that great.

User Rating: 7.2 | The Getaway PS2
This game seemed pretty cool in the commercails. That's mainly why I got it. When I turned the game on and started playing, it seemed like an ok game, but as I started going through it, it was just plain boring. You can't really tell your health, and you have to lean against a wall to regain stamina. There are no maps, and the only things you have to direct you are the car's turn signals. The signal could be pointing right, but then it just changes and leads you through all these one way streets until you crahs so much that you car goes an amazing 5mph. There were just so many things wrong with this game, that it just was not entertaining.

There were a few good elements in this game. The missions were varied pretty well. First you'll be blowing up a restaurant by setting the curtains on firse, and the next thing you know, you'll be driving around with a dead guy duct taped to the passenger seat. Another good thing in this game was the voice acting, which was probably the best thing about this game. And although there were no health bars or maps, it was an innovative idea to clear the screen of all the distracting things you get in other games. There were also real cars in the game, which was pretty cool.

Some of the things that made me mad were the cinematics you couldn't skip, the way the sky was always cloudy and the time of day never changed, the awkward handling of the vehicles, and the shooting controls. All in all, this game was ok, but I thought it was strange in GI magazine when it got a 9 out of 10. The game was just too freakin' hard!!!!!