A step up from the last game.. But not quite there either...
Even through E.A. again dropped the ball with this movie themed video game I'll still have to say that they did achieve what they sought by giving the gamer a few hours of entertainment and excitement to keep playing until you found out how the main character's story ended. The plot of the game was very short compared to others but I still had lots of fun using the sometimes oddly Ai controlled companions to raid locations such as prositute crime rings and banks and such. The weapons were always fun to use and I liked the all around old school mobster movie themed environments you got to visit playing the game.
So to sum this game up in a nutshell, I have to say that it was a fairly decent weekend time killer. It had enough qualities to hit the g-spot for awhile but suffered from the usual E.A. malifunctions most of their not so popular titles usually suffer from....